Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Condors of Colca Canyon, Peru

A Condor soaring to new heights: See slides below
Altiplano: I love its serenity

Llamas loitering on the road

A particularly nice rock in El Condor Pasa

A man, a boy, donkeys and a horse
Our view as we waited to see Condors

Chivey to Colca Canyon to Arequipa - 200 miles

We rode over the high plains and stayed in Chivey for the sole purpose of getting up early the mext morning and riding into Colca Canyon some 30 miles away via rutted dirt road. Colca Canyon is famous for being one of the few spots on Earth where you have a good chance of seeing Condors on the wing. Some call it 'El Condor Pasa'.

We were lucky and saw two magnificent birds use the thermals to climb from about 11,000 feet (where we were) to about 14,000 feet and over the adjacent mountain. I hope you like the slides. It is a large file and if it won't play continuously you'll have to pause it until there is enough buffer- but I think it's worth it.

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