Arica to Antofagusta - 500 miles
Mac and I used my GPS rather than the notes from Globebusters so we rode 500 miles through the desert instead of 200 miles of desert and 300 miles of coast road. Oh well we had some desert adventures. I ran out of gas twice! There was one streatch of road with no gas for over 200 miles. We siphoned from Mac's tank and limped into our hotel, finally. On a 500 mle day the last thing you want is to run out of fuel in he desert. PICS TOMORROW
I continue to enjoy your posts and look for them each day. My curiosity wants to know what gear you have for such extreme weather variations. Could you share what has worked well and if you would make gear changes for future trips?
Planning 2 month trip for 2010
Layers of microfibre clothes work well. I have a few sleeveless shirts, tee shirts and long sleeve zip-ups from Under Armour. It is all light weight and can be washed in the hotel sink. Each night I hang it up to dry and in the morning it's ready to go. Also, I've got electric gloves and an electric jacket hard-wired into my battery. On cool days I put on the light jacket under my Armoured Jacket. If it gets colder or we climb up a mountain pass I plug it in. Hope this helps. Thanks for reading the blog.
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